Armored Traveler
This program will prepare you for the challenges you face while traveling away from your comfort zone. Whether you are a seasoned traveler or simply looking to get Up-Armored before an upcoming trip, this is an opportunity to become confident in your surroundings wherever you end up.
4 Hour Block
Basic vehicle defensive considerations
Hotel / Lodging considerations
Room hardening
Escape route concepts
Intruder defense
6 Hour Block - 4 hr block plus:
Advanced vehicular defensive considerations
Defensive concepts as driver, passenger or otherwise occupant
Scenario based training using Airsoft® or equivalent (2 Hotel room and 2 vehicle)
8 Hour Block - 4 and 6 hr blocks plus:
Aviation domain safety considerations
In-flight attack / disruptive passenger resolution
2 additional vehicle scenarios using Airsoft® or equivalent
Note: This course can be modified based on your needs giving you the flexibility to create a customized plan of action depending on your travel habits.